
Hunger Games : Catching Fire

Press Review #3

On the 27th of November, The Hunger Games : Catching Fire was released in France.
In this second part of The Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellarck ( the two main characters played by Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson) become targets of the capitole after their victory in the district of Panem.
They will have to do the 75th Hunger Games with the other winners of the other districts. For the Week-end of Thanksgiving, The Hunger Games is the first ex-aequo with Frazen in the box office in the United States.


Release of the movie Gravity

Press Review #2

On October 4th, 2013, a new cinematographic experience appeared in the USA.
The new movie called "Gravity" by Alfonso Cuaron, was released in France on October 23rd, 2013.
This movie tells with subtlety the story of two astronauts in a space shuttle.The captain on the American space shuttle "Explorer", Matt Kowalski played by George Clooney and the astronaut and scientist Ryan Stone played by Sandra Bullock, are the only survivors of a special mission.They had to restore the Russian satellite, destroyed by a missile, which has created a cloud of spatial scraps.This cloud met the American space shuttle and made a real space disaster.
During the principal action, there are only two actors.Some of the people who have seen this movie say that they felt like a third character.This feeling is reinforced by the fact that the movie is in 3D.
Space had never been seen like this in the story of cinema, a mix of anxiety and emotion.
Real astronauts and specialists are really amazed to see a movie which shows the reality of what happens when you are in space.This movie was a real success in the United States, and it will be a success in France too!


We want sex equality

This movie, whose title is "Made in Dagenham", deals with women's battle in Dagenham, England, in 1968. They fight for a fair cause, which is sex equality. Even if they won this battle, sex equality in the private and professionnal life is not always present. The salary is not always equal and women are often scaled to various stereotypes and few women come to occupy important positions. I like the movie, because it succeeded in getting this message, it challenges our vision of the stereotypical male / female relationship.

Bend It Like Beckham

The story is about an Indian woman, Jessminder Bhamra, who wants to play football but she is a girl and her parents refuse. But one day Jess is playing in a park with boy friends when Juliette Paxton, a player of the Hounslow team discovers Jess's skill and she invites her to try out for her local team. Jess impresses "Jules" and the coach, Joe. He is convinced by Jess and he puts her on the team. Jess is attracted to Joe, a gora. When the team travels to Hamburg, the relationship between Jess and Joe develops. That night, they are about to kiss but Jules ( who is in love with Joe ) interrups them, and this puts an end to Jess's and Jules's friendship. In England, Jess goes to the Paxtons' house to try to fix the friendship, but Jules's mother believes Jess and Jules are in love with each other. At the same time, Jess's parents discover that she has been playing on the team and become more strict. Thanks to Jess's and Jules's skill, the team reaches the final of the league tournament. An American recruiting scout will be attending this match, but on the day of the final, PInk, Jess's sister, is getting married. Jess can't play. Tony convinces Jess's father, and he drives her to the match. Thanks to Jess's and Jules's skill, the team wins the tournament. Tony convinces Jess's parents and the girls can go to an American University to play football.


World Trade Center, le film : synopsis

film_world_trade_center.jpg Synopsis:

11 septembre 2001 : une chaleur étouffante règne dès le lever du jour dans les rues de New York. Will Jimeno, du Port Authority Police Department, se demande s'il ne va pas prendre un jour de congé pour s'adonner à la chasse à l'arc. Il choisit finalement de se rendre au travail et rejoint le sergent John McLoughlin, alors que celui-ci et ses collègues du PAPD commencent leur tournée quotidienne dans les rues de Manhattan. Une journée banale qui commence comme tant d'autres…

Sitôt l'alerte donnée, cinq policiers, dont McLoughlin et Jimeno, se rendent au World Trade Center et s'introduisent dans les Tours Jumelles. McLoughlin et Jimeno survivent par miracle à l'effondrement des gratte-ciel. Ils se retrouvent piégés sous plusieurs tonnes de béton, de charpentes métalliques tordues, de verre et de gravats. À défaut de contact visuel, ils peuvent s'entendre, et pendant douze heures, se soutiennent l'un l'autre sans relâche, en dialoguant sur tout ce qui donne un sens à leur vie et peut les aider à traverser cette épreuve : leurs familles, leurs carrières, leurs espoirs…

C'est leur histoire que raconte World trade center, ainsi que celle de leurs épouses, Donna et Allison, de leurs enfants et parents. Le film relate aussi l'improbable quête de l'ex-Marine Dave Karnes, qui découvre les deux hommes dans les ruines et parvient à les sauver douze heures plus tard, avec le concours de dizaines de pompiers, policiers et infirmiers new-yorkais… (wikipedia)

World Trade Center, the film : plot summary

WTC_poster.jpg Plot:

On September 11, 2001, Port Authority Police officers John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno, who are patrolling the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Midtown Manhattan, see a plane fly dangerously low overhead. As all of the police officers return to the station, they see on TV and that the North Tower of the World Trade Center has been hit by a plane. Sergeant McLoughlin assigns many of the officers to assist in an evacuation attempt of the still undamaged South Tower and they board a commandeered Metropolitan Transit Authority bus. On the bus, they hear reports that the South Tower has also been hit.

When they arrive at the World Trade Center, they realize the extent of the disaster and see one of the first victims to jump out of the towers to certain death. The men proceed to get safety equipment and enter the concourse between the towers. The group consists of McLoughlin, Jimeno, Dominick Pezzulo and Antonio Rodrigues. An officer named Chris Amoroso appears to inform them of other events, such as the attack on the Pentagon and the second plane's hit on the South Tower, though the group does not accept this. As the men prepare to enter the North Tower, the buildings begin to rumble. McLoughlin realizes that the South Tower is collapsing onto them and that their only chance of survival is to run into the service elevator shaft. Chris trips and does not have time to get up. Rodrigues is unable to get to the shaft in time. McLoughlin, Jimeno and Pezzulo manage to escape the huge amounts of dust and rubble flying down from the South Tower. However, as the rubble continues to crush the elevator shaft, the three are trapped.

As the cascade of debris subsides, Pezzulo realizes he can free himself and manages to move nearer to Jimeno who, along with McLoughlin, is pinned under rubble and cannot move. Pezzulo tries but fails to shift the debris covering Jimeno's legs and is told by McLoughlin not to leave. As Pezzulo becomes optimistic that they will live, the rumbling begins again as the North Tower starts to collapse. Although Jimeno and McLoughlin are not further harmed, Pezzulo is fatally injured. After he fires a gun through a gap in the rubble to try to alert rescuers to their position, he dies.

Jimeno and McLoughlin spend hours under the rubble, in pain but exchanging personal information. McLoughlin is particularly anxious to keep Jimeno from falling asleep and Jimeno also realizes that by straining to grab a metal bar above his body, he can make a noise that rescuers might hear. Two United States Marines, Dave Karnes and Jason Thomas, who are searching for survivors, do hear it and find the men, calling for help to dig them out.

Jimeno is rescued first, and then hours later McLoughlin is lifted out of the debris, barely alive. They are then both reunited with their distraught families at the hospital. (en.wikipedia)


The Help, another trailer

The Help has two trailers, one showing in the UK and another showing in the US theaters. Which one do you prefer?

The Help, an uplifting and inspiring movie

The Help is an uplifting and inspiring movie that shows what happens when a southern town's unspoken code of rules and behaviour is shattered by three courageous women who strike up an unlikely friendship.