Emmeline Pankhurst, born Goulden on July 15, 1858 and died on June 14, 1928, is a British feminist politician, she was introduced to the Women's Suffrage Movement at the age of 14.
She meets Richard Pankhurst, a lawyer 24 years older and known to support feminist electoral law.
In 1889, Emmeline Pankhurst and her husband created the Women's franchise league, an association recommending the right to vote for women.
Following the death of her husband in 1898, Emmeline Pankhurst continued to fight for the rights of women and founded in 1903 the "Women's Social and Political Union" (WSPU) which aims to successfully give the right to vote to all women dedicated to "deeds, not words".
Emmeline Pankhurst organizes many demonstrations where she is linked to lampposts, fires in buildings, makes hunger strikes or cuts the son of telegraphs, which is worth it to be arrested many times between 1908 and 1915.
In 1916, she supported the war effort against Germany and agreed to make propaganda to ask women to go to work in the factories or to become nurses, in return the Conservatives would support the accession of women to the right to vote at the end of the war.
In an attempt to do more for women, Emmeline broke away from the militant activities that had occupied her before the war to focus on her alliance with the Conservatives. Following her choice, conservative Nancy Astor, the first woman to sit in Parliament, proposed Emmeline to give her her place, to thank her for the fight she was waging for women to get the right to vote, something that Emmeline Pankhurst refused.
Emmeline Pankhurst died in 1928, ten years after British women aged 30 and over got the right to vote and one month before the The right to vote is granted to women over 21 years of age.
Emma Watson was first and foremost known for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter saga, which launched her career as an actress. Then Emma is known as a feminist.
In July 2014 she was appointed Goodwill Ambassador by the UN Women, then in September she delivered a speech on gender equality and made it clear that this is in no way a detestation of men but an attitude towards gender equality and that this should be a priority. This speech is then approved by the Nobel Peace Prize and also Malala Yousafzai, a young feminist who received the Nobel Peace Prize and who declares to identify feminist thanks to Emma.
This desire for gender equality is important because even though we have come a long way, there are still many gaps. Certainly now we can vote (thank you Suffragettes) and we can do almost all the trades that we want but it is precisely this "almost" that is problematic because in this word there is also the salary or the way some boss, politicians, men in general treat women.
Emma Watson is an inspiring person because she is an actress but she prefers to highlight gender equality and for that she is not afraid to put her career aside for 1 year to fully immerse herself in it and this is how she opens a feminist reading club called Our Shared Shelf, a club open to all.
It is thanks to her notoriety that she manages to reach so many people, girls, young women identify with her and learn about feminism and all that surrounds it. I think that without Emma Watson there would not be as many people aware of feminism or at least not really care but thanks to her it is not the case
Rosa Louise McCauley, better knows as Rosa Parks, is an African-Américan born February 4, 1913 in Alabama and died October 24, 2005 in Detroit at the age of 92 years. Since she was a child victim of racism in the United States during the period of segregation, she became a militant in the fight against racial segregation.
This woman became famous on December 1, 1955 in the city of Montgomery. While sitting on the bus in the "coloredsection" when four white men board the bus. Due to lack of space, the driver asks Rosa Parks to sit at the bottom of the bus but she refuses. She is then arrested, taken to the police station of the city hall and then in prison. His lawyer Edgar Nixon immediately sees a symbolic interest in this arrest, he calls Clifford Durr a white lawyer who accept to challenge the law of segregation. Rosa Parks is released the next day.
This arrest gave birth to the Montgomery Improvement Association chaired by Martin Luther King. This association had three immediate demands:
What white and black can sit where they want in the bus
Courtesy of the drivers with respet to all
That black drivers are hired
The action of Rosa Parks refusing to give way on the bus leaves room for the Montgomery Bus Boycott which lasts until December 20, 1956. The arrest of Rosa Parks was the tigger for a stronger fight no-violent against racial segregation in the United States. This woman has inspired many people because by refusing to obey the racist law she acts peacefully against the segregation. His movement made it possible to change things and to proclaim that segregation in the bus was unconstitutional. Thus it is one the firt action against ségrégation.
If Rosa Parks had not inspired this movement it is possible that the United States is still in this racial segregation. It was not long ago and we must not forget that certain hatreds remain in the hearts of Americans. Neverthless, the inspiration of Rosa Parks has been able to change mentalities and racism is no longer allowed but punished by the laws.
I choose to work on Rosa Parks because I think she is a symbolic person. Rosa Parks was born on February 4th in 1913, in Alabama and she died on October 24t in Michigan. She was an afro-american woman, and she first fight against racial segregation in United States, and she was also know as "mother of the civil rights movement", it was a nickname given by American Congress. then she fight against racial segregation with Martin Luther King Jr. She became famous on December 1st in 1955 in Montgomery because she refused to pass his place on to a white passenger in the bus driven by James F.Blake. She was arrested and paid a fine of 15$, but on December 5th in 1955 she appeal for this verdict. The bus rules of Montgomery were organised in this way; in the front : 10 places reserved to the whites, in the back : 10 places reserved to the blacks and finally in the middle : 16 places where the blacks were'nt allowed to sit down next to a black; and where the blacks should stand and leave the bus if a white did'nt find a place. Martin Luther King Jr, at 26years old, launched a campaign of protest, and boycott of the bus compaign in Montgomery, it lasted 381 days and it was provocated by the Rosa Parks' arrest and refusal. On November, 11th in 1956, the supreme court of United States broke segregationists laws in bus.
I decided to include this music of The Neville Brothers because they song to Rosa Parks and the videoclip is important, we can see that there are many imbalance between the white and the coloured people like places in the bus, pubblic places, toilets, they did'nt go to the same places. The segregation was very strong, present in their lives. I think that music is perfect to enter in my work. Anyway, this change was important to make the blacks feel better, feel comfortable in United States. Indeed, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr, used the boycott of the Montgomery compaign of transport, and a protest campaign to pass this fight. Rosa Parks is inspirational because she didn't give up for defend her cause even she was arrested. Also, because she was received in the National Women's Hall of Fame in 1993. Martin Luther King Jr, at 26years old, launched a campaign of protest, and boycott of the bus compaign in Montgomery, it lasted 381 days and it was provocated by the Rosa Parks' arrest and refusal. On November, 11th in 1956, the supreme court of United States broke segregationists laws in bus.
We are going to talk about Jérôme Jarre, a famous humanist.He was born on the 12th of June 1990 in Albertville. We can qualify this man like a French humanist,influencer and philanthropist. He was famous thanks to social networks like Snapchat,Vine,Instragam and Youtube. For example, on Vine, he is followed by 7 million internet users. Thanks to his influence, he will realize many humanitarian mission.
Firstly, on March 15, 2017, Jérôme Jarre launched a call for donations on Twitter, for the starvation caused by the drought in Somalia.He collected 1,8 millions of dollars. Thanks to this donations he collaborates with the compagny Turkish Air Lines in order to send some food and water to help the people of Somalia. 60 ton of food and water were sent. He decided to help this population when he spoke with a volunteer who explain to him that he saw a little girl died at 6 years old because of dehydration. His compaign tactics were the social networks. He received the help of celebrities like Omar Sy, Ben Stiller..
After this succes, he decides to go on the 27th november 2017 in Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh where there is the most biggest refugee camp. The people who live in this area are called "Rohingyas", they have suffered of an ethnic cleasing (624 000 people). Thanks to social networks he creates a community "Love Army for Rohingyas" who call out to the Turkish President in order to put in place a humanitarian aid. In front of his silence the Love Army decides to open a nest egg.In several days,1 948 525 dollars were collected to deliver life-saving needs (water, food, drugs..). This mission is not over.
Despite this sucess this communauty leaves perplexed some NGOs ( non-gouvernmental organisation) especially « Doctors of the World » who invited Jérôme Jarre to come see how is the reality and their operation. They does not criticize this humanist but they want to analyze and understand his way to help some people in difficulty. The NGO are waiting to see the aftermath of the events. We can imagine an alliance with NGO like Doctors of the world and the Love Army.
As a conclusion, Jérôme Jarre is an inspirational person because he have used his influence to help some population. If this man and his collaborators have don’t do that, the mortality rate due of the starvation, the dehydration and wealth problems would have increased. Even if the Love army know some protests she has allowed to save thousands of person.
This document is a video about female stereotypes in disney movie. It shows that there is a lot of stereotypes about girls in disney movies. It's about what do girls learn from disney princesses. The princesses are an example for so many young girls around the world.In the movies, the princesses are perfect, perfect hair, makeup, body. It shows that the girls have to do the cleaning, the laundry like in The Beauty in The Beast, Belle does all of the tasks,she also reads a lot, but it also shows that girls should never show how they feel inside. For example in cinderella, when her dress got ripped by her sisters, and then she has a beautiful dress, hair, shoes, makeup, and she can go to the ball so basically the meaning of this is that you need to be all perfect and beautifull to go to a ball and find love, which sucks because to me beauty is inside. Cinderella shows that you need to be from a higher stature to find love. It also shows that the girls have to do the tasks, when the “work song” is sang by the mouse, the female mouse says “ leave the sewing to the women” so again, girls have to do the work. In snow white she said “ you'd think their mother would clean” so she says that the cleaning is for the mothers, so the girls, it teaches the girl that they have to be domestic and clean. According to Snow White, women are supposed to stay at home. In Ariel the little mermaid, it shows that girls have to stay quiet and to sing, talk, and all that stuff and Ursula says that you don't need to be intelligent you just have to be pretty. It also teaches that you have to change to be loved, Ariel chooses to be a human and leave her family for love. In the Beauty and the Beast, Disney romanticised abusive relashionship, Belle shows that it is totally fine to be in an abusive relashionship by staying with the beast.
But Disney has seen their mistakes, and things are starting to change slowly and now women are more independent and heroic like Mulan or Pocahontas.
Question that can be asked: Is Disney ruining young girl's identites?
Frist, what girls learn from Dsney Princesses?
Always beautiful,helpful,clean(Snow-White),save by a prince,the beautiful wedding with beautiful princess dress.They are also calm patient and listening and especially smart.A beauty is a girl's number one priority.
A girl should never speak up.But they have different assets a seduction(Jasmine in Aladdin),housewife doing the housework(Blanche-Neige in Snow-White and the seven dwarfs)
What lesson does each princess teach?
-Cendrillon in Cinderella:The lesson is only girls of high stature can be capabe of finding love.Cinderella also teaches girls that they are not servants. An inocent song turns into a blod statement about women.Cinderella teaches girls they are supposed to do domestic tasks:not for boys.
-Blanche-Neige in Snow-White and the seven dwarfs: You'd think their mother would clean. Snow-White teaches girls they must clean and be domestic.
-Ariel in The Little Mermaid: Girl's need to be pretty and be silenced.Ursula show's that girls do not need intelligence. A pretty face is all that matters. Ariel teaches girls they must change for a mans and give up family. Ariel teaches young girls that everything about a girls superficial.
-Belle in Beauty and the Beast: Belle shows that it is okay to be in an abusive relationship by staying with the beast.The Beauty and the beast shows girls they need to accept that men are dominant in relationships.
The women are Independ(Pocahoontas),Heroic(Mulan),Headstrong(Jasmine),Determined(Tiana),Drievn(Raipoce),...
Disney has a large impact on you girl's indentity.
This video discusses the stereotypes about women that are present in Disney movies show children and that have an impact on today's young girls and boys.
In these animated films we see that women are reduced to criteria of beauty and especially physics because it is necessary "to be great to find love".
Their role is to clean up and stay at home to teach other children to do the same. It is showing that as long as girls are beautiful they may not be smart and even leave their family to find love, it is even teaching that girls are superficial.
There is also the issue of domestic violence, which is not a problem for "Belle" and that men must be dominant.
This poses a problem for young girls because they are educated with these films but do not learn the right things. But now they have seen their mistakes and are changing, today young girls are much more respectful of what is a great achievement.
Par ReineLensocel le 04/02/2019, 06:34 - student work
I choose the second video because it proves the cliche of the housewife. There is a debate in this video and that's what I find interesing. In first, in "Cinderella", the woman is pretended to be a servant while the boy does not do the house work. Then, in " The little Mermaid", the girl is forced to shut up, to be pretty and assorted as Ariel shows. In the same Disney, the girl do need to be educated, so, to stay stupid. In "Beauty and the Beast", the woman must not be the head of the couple. To conclude, the Disney teaches us that the woman can be independent.
This video is about the different stereotypes Disney shows of women through their movies. When we watched those when we were still young and innocent, we wouldn't have thought that they actually are a bad image for us.
For example, Cinderella and Snow White teach us that only girls have to stay home and do domestic tasks such as cleaning the house, cooking.., not boys. Cinderella shows us that too by saying sexist statements in a song, supposed to be innocent for children, "leave the sewing to the women" when male characters were gonna do the sewing. She also shows that you can't find love if you don't come from a high stature, which is totally false. Then, in Ariel the Little Mermaid, they teach you that you only have to be pretty and nothing else matters, not even intelligence. Ariel also decided to change her life for a boy by becoming a human. Everything in this movie shows us a superficial side of the woman. In the Beauty and the Beast, they teaches us that it's okay to stay in an abusive relationship because men are "superior".
Disney has always been wrong by showing all of this in those movies because it can affect young girls' future as they take the princesses as their examples. Every little girl wants to be a princess and thats not the easier way to teach them life. Fortunately, it didn't last long because new movies were released where independant, heroic, headstrong, determined women are shown as the new example for the new youth.
This is the URL of the video before to see the analysis :
The video I present to you is named « Sexism,Strenght and Dominance :Masculinty in Disney Films » of Sanjay Newton.
The author presents us the doctor Justin Lewis who tells us Disney films have a very high impact on our children .Indeed children grow up with a lot of stereotypes they have seen, like cute princesses and powerful knights.The author tells us about the relation between girls and boys in Disney movies.They always have heterosexual relationships and men consider women as servants or accessories.We can see a character probably choosing his future wife.There are some girls on a scene and he says « let’s take a look ! » and he looks at all the girls, saying comments such as « I hate your hairs ». Then we hear a music,the scene reprensents men looking for a a women to admire his muscles and another one looking for woman for cooking good things. The youtuber say Disney Films teach us that « to be a man you must to be strong and violent ». The highest contrast is between Lefou and Gaston: ,Lefou is very small and Gaston is very athletic.Gaston beats Lefou with a violent uppercut to show his strongness. He feels like a man when he punches the little character.
Another example is Mulan who wants to join the army, but to be able to do so, she should become a man. Therefore she must become stronger and learn how to use weapons. In Disney films you must be violent, strong and use weapons to become a real man. In Disney films there are also a lot of violence between two men to decide who wins the love of the girl or to preserve a status.These scenes aim at determining who is the best man.
At the end the youtuber propose to create more vulnerability and weaker male characters to help boys who aren’t very strong and have soft mentality.
Disney movies are cartoons, which are the pillars of our childhood. They made us dream when we were young. They were the ones who made us want to be someone else. Unfortunately, Disney has a hidden side. With her vision of women, Disney damages the identity of little girls who dream of being a princess. These women who inspire these girls are first and foremost housekeepers who must never talk and whose beauty must be their number one priority.
Clean : In many Disneys like Snow white and Cinderella, the woman is reduced to the status of a housekeeper, in fact, they are both represented with old clothes washing, cleaning things that are not theirs (Cinderella: for her "family", Snow white: the 7 dwarves). When Snow white comes into the house, she says: "you'd think their mother would clean". This sentence clearly shows that the household must be an activity done by women and not by men. Women must stay at home.
Love: In Cinderella, the king decides to organize a ball in order to marry his son where all the young girls of the kingdom are invited. Cinderella sisters are allowed to go (they are rich) but not Cinderella because she doesn't well dressed and she's in the subclass, after all she's just a servant! This Disney shows that only high-ranking girls can be able to find love. Also in Beauty and the Beast (Beauty has Stockholm syndrome), Beauty accepts to be in an abusive relationship. This shows that girls accept that it is the dominant man in a relationship.
Beauty: Ariel gives Ursula her voice. She is a mermaid (definition of beauty) by taking away her voice, she takes away her intelligence among other things (she will no longer be able to say anything sensible). Women must be beautiful, that's all that matters. They must be silent, they must not be intelligent (because it is reserved for men). Women must "change" to please. Everything about the woman is superficial.
Fortunately today women are more valued, they are: independent (Pocahontas), heroic (Mulan), headstrong (Jasmine), derterminated (Tiana), driven (raiponse)
Since its creation, Disney has had an important impact on young girls; indeed, the brand ruins young girls' identity with the Disney's princesses. Disney delivers bad messages to girl with their princesses.
Young girls are learning haw to be a princess. A princess musn't nage, bragge, sweat, slip, trip, threat, slurp, burp, speak up, show her feelings and has to look perfect, never rest... Outside beauty must be princess' number one priority; they are all smile with an average size and a beautiful face with big eyes. The first Disneys follow the society mentality of this time and creates the stereotype characteristics of the woman at that time.
So first, Disney created Snow-White in 1958, who teaches to little girls that they must clean and be a domestic, that women are supposed to stay at home, that she has to cook for the man and can't do nothing else except clean up.
After this, there was Cinderella, who reinforced the fact that girls were ment to be a domestic, that she must cook, clean, and have no rest. She made manual things like it was said in the song "Cindrelly" where a mouse says "leave the sewing to the women". Moreover, if a girl didn't have a high social level, she couldn't find love.
In the little mermaid, Ariel doesn't need to speak to please Eris, she just has to be pretty. Indeed, girls don't need to be intelligent, a pretty face is all that matters: "you have your looks, your pretty face and don't be underestimate the important of the body language" like Ursula says in her song. By accepting Ursula's deal, Ariel teaches girls that they must change for a man's love. Moreover, Ariel chooses to be human and to leave her family for "true" love. So this princess also teaches that everything about a girl is superficial.
In the Beauty and the Beast, Belle accepts the Beast' domestic abuse which shows to young girl that it is okay to be in an abusive realtionship and that girls need to be in inferiority and to be prisoner of their future husband.
All of those lessons that were transmitted in Disney movies permanently damage young girl's identity and that girls can't live like men and that they can't follow they dreams because when you are a young girl, it's just impossible to change the world.
However, Disney has seen its mistake and over time, it tries to make them up. They start to create a portray of women in a more positive way, like Pocahontas who is an independent woman and creates a constrast with Belle who is under the Beast' abusive domination.
There is also Mulan, who is heroic and for the first time it's not a boy but a girl who is in the skin of the hero.
As well, Jasmine in Aladdin is headstrong and doesn't want to be married to be a prince she doesn't like.
And Disney is in progression with Tania in the Princess and the Frog, who is determined because she want to open her own restaurant and with Tangled who is driven and chooses to live her own life.
Today, Disney princesses continue to change the mentality with the creation of so many princesses like Elsa in Frozen and Viana. But it's important to monitor the Disney message that children are receiving from television.
Disney over the time changes its strereotypes of the perfect girl with its princesses. This itsn't the only mistake of Disney; it's a mistake of the society because Disney evolves with the society and creates princesses taht reflect the image of the evolution of women. But it's always important to say to young people that DISNEY ISN'T THE REALITY and it's not an exemple to create their life because you are the person who creates the world of tomorrow and to honor the women place in the future society.
The video is interesting because the video shows the princesses in Disney movies. Before, Disney stereotyped very much the princesses like Cindrella, The Little Mermaid and The Beauty and the Beast.
Before, Disney taught to the girls to did the domestic tasks and not boys through Cinderella. In the Little Mermaid, Disney taught to the girls to need to be beautiful and be silenced, Ursula said to the girls, they don't need to be clever for find the love and hab pretty face is all that matters. Ariel showed that women are obligated to changed for the love of men and Ariel taught to the young girls that all the girls are superficial. In the Beauty and the Beast, Beauty showed it's normal to was in a relationship with a man who was abusive.
Today, Disney is trying to change that by doing independent heroines, headstrong, determine and drive. The Disney movies have a big impact on children because it's still Disney that marks the children. Some Disney are not appropriate for children because they are stereotype but Disney is on the right track.
All oh these princesses were invented by Disney and as we can see, all of them are finth, pretty and young.
On the video, we can see that all of these princesses are smiling, when Snow White get in the dwarves' house, she saw the mess in it, and she asks to the presents animals "You'd think their mother would clean?" first, in her opinion, men do not have to clean up the environment, it's a women's work, but also, she washes the ground naturally, like every women should do it too.
But cleaning, washing and being happy to do it isn't enough, indeed, they have to be pretty without any default on their faces and bodies, we can look at the surrealistic fineness of Ariel hips. Actually this Disney shows that women don't have to talk or being clever to loved.
In Disney's mind, princesses, and women in general, only dream to be married, they are waiting for for the Great love, and sometimes, they can not choose who will it be. The beauty and the Beast is the perfect example of this weird kind of relationship. Belle is selled for the freedom of her father, and she is constrained to live with the beast. Women are submissives to men.
These are few examples in comparison of all of the Disney's films and their naives princesses, but at the moment, some news and moderns heroin are create, like Vaiana or Rebel, a new generation of disney's princesses is born for children who watch Disney's films while they are very young and can define their personalities.
The video talks about what the princesses taught us. At first, we are told that the girls should never speak up and that the beauty is a girl’s number one priority. What lesson each princess teach?
Cinderella is the domestic of her stepmother and half sisters, she teaches to girls they are supposed to do domestic tasks and that the young girls are need to be domestic. The morale of this princess is that the only girls of high stature can be capable of finding love...
Snow White, teaches to girls that the women are supposed to stay in the home to make other people’s housework...
Belle, shows that it is okay to be in an abusive relationship by staying with the Beast. She accepted the domination of this latter. In the Beauty and the Beast shows that the girls need to accept than men are dominant in relationships... Disney romanticizes domestic abuse.
Ariel, teaches to girls to be pretty and be silenced. To accepts the reality without speak and speak their thoughts. Ursula shows that girls do not need intelligence. Just a pretty face it’s all that matters. She teaches to girls that everything is superficial about a girl...
However, certain princesses are different, like Pocahontas ( independent ), Mulan ( Heroic ), Jasmine ( Headstrong)...
All princesses show the sad reality of the people’s thinking about the role of women and they teach lessons that could permanently damage young girl’s identity. Certain Disney films are worse than others but progress is being made ! All this has a large impact on young girl’s identity because they think that this situation of the princesses in Disney is the reality and that it’s totally normal.
Personally, I think that Disney wants denounced the stereotypes about women because a lot of people’s think that the woman has her place into the kitchen or other...
I choose the second video because this video ask a question who is "The young girls' find their identities in Disney movie ?". And this video is very interesting because there is a debate to answer this question.
The first point is the young girls' "do" understand that she mustn't do a domestic with Cinderella because Cinderella was a domestic at the beginning of the film and she became a princess at the end. And in the beginning, it isn't the boy who do the housework.
The second point is in The little Mermaid, the girls' are obligated to be pretty a,d they must be silent. in the same Disney, the girls' don't need to be educated.
The last point is in Beauty and the Beast, the girls' don't be the lower person in a relationship.
To conclude, the princess Disney teaches us we can be independent and assert onself as the equal of the man.
The video "Female stereotypes in Disney Films" shows that Disney's movies have an influence on little girls who watch it like a distraction. In reality, Disney share a message which can became dangerous. For example, Snow-White and Cinderella show that women's have to clean the house, take care of children and always obey to her husband, or, more particulary, to men. In Beauty and the Beast, it shows that men are superiors and women have to accept this fatality. In every movie, we found stereotypes which insist on the facts that women are inferiors than men. The films that we study here are "old" films : Snow-White was published in 1937, The Little Mermaid in 1989, Cinderella in 1973 and The Beauty and the Beast in 1991, so time was different our time, and it wasn't dramatic to spread this kind of message.
In the video, we speak about Cinderella and in this film, it is said beauty is the number one priority of girls and this is a stereoptype, not all of girls / women are not obsessed by her image, what connects with th extract of the little mermaid where it is said women have to please men, and change their apparence for him. Disney shows an restrictive image of women.
Finally, nowadays, they try to make efforts to limit stereotypes in their movies and to be more equal.
In the Disney movies , the female stereotypes are enormously present as we can see in Ariel the little mermaid , Snow white , Beauty and the beast and Cinderella. In the Disney movie Snow white , Snow white enters a small house and finds that the house is not clean and the first question she asks herself is "you'd think their mother would clean" . She then decides to do the cleaning and the meal.According to snow white , women are supposed to stay in the home while housekeeping spots are not only for women but also for men .In the Disney movie Cinderella , Cinderella teaches girls that they are supposed to do chores as can be seen with his half-sister who orders him to do domestic chores . We can also see female mice do more sewing than males . In the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast , Beauty shows girls they need to accept that men are dominant in relationship and that girls have nothing to say. And,In the Disney movie Ariel the little mermaid,Ursula shows that girls do not need intelligence.A pretty face is all that matters.Ariel teaches girls they must change for a man's love .
The Disney princesses learn to young girl to smile brightly, to stay pleasant;That girls should never speak up. Princesses learn to girl that beauty should be their number one priority.
Cinderella teaches girls that only girls of high stature can be able of finding love. She teaches that young girls need to be domestic.
In Cinderella, a song say "leave the sowing to the women", that's mean that girls are supposed to do domestic task, not boys.
Snow White shows that girls need to clean and be domestic. She teaches girls that women are supposed to stay in the house.
Ariel teaches that girls need to be pretty and silenced, they don't need intelligence because a pretty face is all that matters. She teaches that they must change to have the love of a man, everything about a girl is superficial. When we are young we can think that if we're a girl we don't need to speak, that we just have to be pretty and nothing else.
In the Beauty and the Beast, it's teaches that it's okay to be in an abusive relationship, and that it's normal if men are dominant in relationship.
During our childhood, we're easily influenced, so these lessons could change young girl's identity.
Fortunately, Disney change this image slowly with depicts women in a more positive light: Pocahontas is independent, Mulan is heroic, Jasmin is headstrong, Tiana is determined.
As a conclusion, we can say that Disney has a large impact on young girl's identity. So we should be careful with what we show to our children