Meet SWEP : a charity protecting horses and moorland ponies near Plymouth


Céline tells a week type at SWEP as a trainee. Here is the link to their attractive and user-friendly website.



In the morning I get up at 6:45 am to take the 8:05 bus to Yelverton. I change buses at 8:39 am and I cross a small part of Dartmoor park to arrive at work. I arrive on my workplace at 9:10 am. The first thing I have to do is to say hello to all the team. Later I can begin to work.

When I am in the offices, I work on the computer a lot. I make all their flyers, newsletter, posters and so on. animal-friends.jpg

When I work in the "yard", I take care of moorland ponies (Dartmoor ponies and other ponies from Exmoor and other moors not too far). I finish work at 4:00 pm and I take the bus back to Plymouth. I have to wait for the second bus for 30 minutes, so I arrive at the host family at 5:00 pm and one hour later, we have dinner.

Then I watch a movie on my computer and go to sleep at around 9:00 pm. The day is over !



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