9/11 - Seven years later.

Today is the tragic anniversary of this terrorist attack on New York and I feel obliged to make a note about this since several French stars have lately publicly doubted the official accounts about that tragic day.
For example, read the Daily Telegraph to learn about Marion Cotillard's March statements (= déclarations). She also doubted that Man ever set foot on the moon ! The "La Mome" actress may have drunk too much champagne for her Oscar....
Lately a French comedian, Jean-Marie Bigard who is not well-known abroad also questioned the truth about these terrorist attacks. Please dear actors and actresses, do your job, make movies and don't venture into politics when you are obviously not ready for it !

The BBC wrote a very clear recapitulatory article about this tragic event today. Read it to know more.

Here a photo from the National Geographic magazine showing the skyline behind the Empire State Building just after the attacks and later when the Twin Towers collapsed:


1. On Monday, December 1 2008, 16:21 by Frédéric L.
When the two towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed, I was very sad because there were a lot of dead.
2. On Monday, December 1 2008, 16:23 by Djessy L. (208)

I think Jean-MArie Bigard and Marion Cottillard have become big-headed because they are famous.

3. On Monday, December 1 2008, 16:38 by Miss Vittoz

Frédéric, how old were you when this event took place and do you remember what you were doing on the day it happened ?

Djessy,  what would you do regarding politics if you were a famous actor ?

4. On Sunday, December 7 2008, 15:06 by RémyD

I don't remember what I was doing that day.. & I think I was too young to really realise the gravity of the event. I was sad for the families, the firemen who died to help the hurt people & everybody..

5. On Sunday, January 4 2009, 16:09 by Juliette B

It's a good article. You denounce two French actors who are very famous. You tell what you think about something real and it's so good.

6. On Sunday, January 4 2009, 16:10 by Miss Vittoz

I am glad you like this entry Juliette but what do you think about the attitude of these two actors ?

7. On Sunday, February 15 2009, 20:40 by François C

I remember  that day, all TV channels spoke of this attack against the Twin Towers. It was the beginning of the terrorist war in the world.

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