jeudi, avril 14 2011

Finding your way in London

You are at Victoria Station. Turn left into Grovesnor Place. Go down the street. Then, turn right into Picadilly. Go down the street and Picadilly Circus is in front of you.

vendredi, avril 8 2011

What did they do?

What did Rick and Ron do?

- They attacked and robbed Mr Wealthy.

Where did they go?

- They decided to go to London.

Julie and Dennis didn't catch them.

jeudi, avril 7 2011

Darf man et darf man nicht !

Guten tag meine Freunde, vous n'avez pas le droit de fumer au collège mais par contre vous pouvez et vous êtes même obligée d'écouter cette bande son !

Where were you?

Where was Julie yesterday ?

- She was with Dennis.

Where was Dennis?

- He wasn't at home.

Where were Rick and Ron?

- They weren't at home because their house was empty.

jeudi, mars 31 2011

There's an address

Julie and Dennis are looking for clues in Rick and Ron's house.

There is a front garden with flowers. There is a large living-room and there's a kitchen on the left.

How many bedrooms are there? - There are two bedrooms upstairs/on the first floor.

Is there a playroom? - No, there isn't but there are two bathrooms : one upstairs and one downstairs/on the ground floor.

Julie and Dennis find a piece of paper with an address. Rick and Ron are in London.

We must catch them

Julie, Dennis and Scruffy meet Bill at the park. The police want to catch Rick and Ron: they are wanted!

Where are they?

- Nobody knows but they must catch them. Julie and Dennis must be careful : they mustn't take risks. Bill must tell their parents but Julie isn't worried because they are cool.

mardi, mars 22 2011

Who attacked Mr Wealthy?

The document is an article from a newspaper.

Yesterday, two men robbed Mr Wealthy. They climbed up the tree and they walked to the kitchen door. Mr Wealthy didn't hear because he is very old and deaf. They attacked him with guns and asked him the secret code to his safe. Then, they tied him to his armchair and escaped with the money.

The police discovered the crime in the morning.

jeudi, février 3 2011

Dialogue allemand

Deux amis Français sont partis en vacances en Allemagne. Ils font le tour de la ville de Berlin, et arrivent l'heure de midi.

 1= « J'ai faim!!!                        
 2=  En allemand
 1= OK!Ich habe hunger!           
 2= OK entrons içi »
S= « Guten Tag                      
les deux =Guten Tag                
S= Sie wunshen ?                   
1= Ich möchte bitte einen hamburger und      
      eine Portion Pommes mit mayo           
2= Ich möchte einen nudelsalat und ein schaschlik.     
S= Und Zum trinken ?              
1= Une bouteille d'eau sa devrait suffire, non? 
2= Si. Ich trinke eine Flasch Mineralwasser      
S= Das macht 10€            
1= Hier Bitte! Danke schön!      
S= Danke schön. Aufwiedersehen!!!

jeudi, janvier 27 2011

Les adverbes de fréquence en anglais, vous connaissez ?

Nous allons vous proposons une saynète sur les adverbes de fréquence en anglais!!!

lundi, janvier 17 2011

Dennis's surprise birthday

Julie wants to organize a birthday party for Dennis, so she is writing a letter to his mother.

Who does she want to invite?

She wants to invite Peter, Mark, Sandra, Suzie and Bob.

Does Dennis like Bob TREVIS?

- No, he doesn't so Mrs NELSON doesn't want to invite Bob.

Julie wants to make American chocolate cookies.

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